
is not a religion

Jews don’t do

religion well

its up others

to claim they

are religious

beating chests

& killing others

because they

don’t follow the

right Big Man-

that’s for goys

& all the other

tribes of belief

what does this

word mean?!?

it comes down

to trying to stay

in with a dude

get in favours

a front seat on

the prayer mat

so many virgins

la de da de da

after killing all

those infidels

saying so many

prayers so many

times in a day

it about me me

& looking good

Jews don’t look

to G-d for stuff-

its the other way

make the whirl

Godly for G-d

to hang out in

that ain’t religion

I don’t want to go

to any heaven-

I’d have to die-

I got stuff to do

a heaven is the

big ask from us

when the whirl

is made so well

G-d comes down

press some flesh

goys call Judaism

a religion-all those

nuts call it religion

there are 2 biblical

religions & Judaism

is not one of them-

it is just THE Book

& I so like books

2 thoughts on “WTF IS A PRAYER MAT?

  1. Many Jews do seem to take the scriptures less literally than many Christians. I appreciate that. I like spiritual Judaism, but not fundamentalist, but I feel that way about every religious tradition.

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    1. Uncle Simon is a rabbi. In between eating cakes, he says Judaism is the Bible, its not a ‘religion’ that’s about the Bible. It hurts me to see how inflexible the minds of many who say they believe in G-d are. Everyone has the right not to be forced into a box & labelled. ❤️

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