When I

first met

Short Jew

to talk to

he looked

delicate as

a Ming vase

but could

jack knife

a fork lift

Then he

saw me

sip coffee

outside a

quiet cafe

“I like a

tall lady.”

May West

sprang to

mind but

I pushed

her down

I surmised

he came up

to the length

of my legs


across the


Short Jew

was 5ft 4

in English

lacking the

option of

acting the

big mensch

but he was

very gentle

“May I?”

he asked

I nodded

& he sat

“I’m Josh-

but called

Short Jew.”

I took a sip

“Of course

you are.”

I replied

“A coffee?”

he nodded

& smiled

“I see you

play chess

at the club.”

I knew that

I see stuff

that peeps

think I don’t

which is just

as well now

a Jew has to

have eyes in

the back of

her head

I went for

his drink

while his

eyes spied

my limbs

uncoil with

keen interest

& saunter

off inside

He might

lack height

but fancied

his chances

which made

me like him

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