If a neurotypical

person suddenly

lurched onto the

spectrum maybe

they would think

they had become

possessed by a

demonic force

I tend to think of

it as somewhere

over the rainbow

as I perch on the

edge of seats and

savour the breeze

Call it my need to

move in the notice

of a moment of time

when a body insists

on taking the seat

right next to me-

I genuinely mean-

that is so seriously

taking the fuck out

of my mouth-right?

And I only love stuff

inside my mouth that

I put out the welcome

doormat for & then

slide down sweetly

I might look at you

with a buzzed head

or a massive Jewish

sage brush of hair-

dependant on my

mood-but do not

bollox me about-

Rainbow girls are

way smarter than

the average bear…

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