I stand outside

the apartment

in the prestigious

6th Arrondissment

Haussmann wet

dream that drips

its ejaculatory fluid

all over my boots

as my index finger

extends to a buzzer

with the moniker

of R Rosenberg

the miniature item

who asked if he

could paint me

“You are so tall!”

he coo cooed

his eyes scanning

my breasts in the

minutest detail


I replied

“You are short.

Your mamma

didn’t tell you?”

He shrugged

“She loved me,

why spoil things?”

He replied

I pressed the name

which chimed out

Beethoven’s 5th

then buzzed loudly

as the door unlocked

I pushed and entered

The miniature human

stood in rapt attention

at the foot of the stairs

like Poirot on speed

his heels together

and actually bowed

“Entre Mademoiselle.”

I looked over his head-

which wasn’t too hard

and scoped the place

while he started to

prattle on about his

deep joy at my arrival

“What’s the deal?”

I asked

“20k Euros-

for a nude.”

He replied

My eyes went down

a few steps to reach

his level as my brain

was clicking like diodes

in a deep dark cavern

“Your eyes are a colour

I have never seen before.”

He enthused


I said

“They go with my head.”

I didn’t think he could see

so far without binoculars

“Are the terms agreed?”

He asked tremulously

To alleviate the misery

I nodded attempting

a smile from memory

but it never happened

I guess a derailment

occurred on the line


he replied.

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